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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Radio@MU #17

Ryan talks about solo artists with band names. Also check out the dramatic conclusion (sort of) to Ryan's three-part noneducational rant on education.

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1. Kelly Harrell "I Wish I Was a Single Girl Again"
2. Moxy Phinx "Aphrodite"
3. Oliver Charles "Keep Walking"
4. Negatrude "Home"
5. Katy M. Savage "Denial"
6. Pauline Boeykens "Dolomiten"

Notes: Check out

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Radio@MU #16

More thoughts on education from an increasingly incoherent Ryan.

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1. Midnight Run "Glorietta Park"
2. The Spaceshots "Greetings My Glorious Graces"
3. Pauline Boeykens (and Friends) "Dolomiten"
4. The Society of Gloves "Who Are Your Friends?"
5. Michelle Newman "Pay It Forward"

Notes: In Ryan's rant about math, he was trying to get at the everday usefulness of dividing half by two, but the otherwise lack of mundane uses for dividing half by half.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Radio@MU #15

Ryan rants about education. Seriously. Part one of three. Double seriously.

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1. The Sumner Brothers "The Man Can't Hardly Move Anymore"
2. Oliver Charles "Keep Walking"
3. Heather Donaldson "Alone in the Dark"
4. Midnight Run "Glorietta Park"
5. Negatrude "Go to Sleep"
6. The Society of Gloves "Time (Lose Your Hold)"

Ryan recommends these books, and has been recommending them throughout most of the summer:
Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit
My Ishmael
The Story of B
(They'll shed some light beyond the rant.)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Radio@MU #14

If last week was the ukulele episode, this week is the guitar one.

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For this show, Ryan's sleepy, tired, and exhausted - that's the famous dwarf and his two obscure cousins. He actually meant RE-welcome when he talked about S.L.U.D.G.E., as we've definitely played S.L.U.D.G.E.'s music in the past.

1. S.L.U.D.G.E. "Sorrowladen"
2. Negatrude "Hate Me"
3. Act As If "On Your Hands and Knees"
4. Moxy Phinx "Dog Tag"
5. Liquid Blue "Making Up"

Again, sleep-deprived Ryan probably stated some of the artists' webpages incorrectly, so please check out our Podcast Artists link list on the right-hand side of the page for accurate URLs.