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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Radio@MU #22

The phone lines are open...okay, voicemail: (206) 309-0482. (Voicemail submissions become property of Mutiny Universe and may be used in a future podcast and/or elsewhere.)

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Ryan is thankful for this regular soapbox upon which to stand, rant, and sometimes shamelessly self-promote:

0. Johann Strauss II by way of yours truly "Künstlerleben"
1. The Society of Gloves featuring moxy phinx "Time (Lose Your Hold)"
2. moxy phinx "Centerfold"
3. Peter Chavez "Where You Stand"
4. Heather Donaldson "Honeybee"
5. ANTIQCOOL "Oh Mary"
6. Negatrude "Home"

Get ready for Saturnalia! (And those other winter holidays, too.)

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